Dr Fuhrman's Diet Seems Boring

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Darius Murretti If you mean is the mediterranean diet "hype" teh answer is yes

If you mean is the fuhrman diet "hype" the answer is no . Its based on over 2000 researc…more

If you mean is the mediterranean diet "hype" teh answer is yes

If you mean is the fuhrman diet "hype" the answer is no . Its based on over 2000 research papers of tehmostg prestigious medical institutes in the world

The Fuhrman diet is another name for the"EXCELLENT NUTRITION DIET " taught by Dr Max Gerson diet , the Dr Norman Walker diet and the Dr Ann Wigmore diet and many others brfore Joel Fuhrman ( see my review )

There are many many many many thousands of case studies on Dr Fuhrmans and Dr Gersons websites where the fuhrman diet has cured obesity , cancer , heart attack risk ,diabetes . These case studies to show it not hype but true







to name a few

Also Dr Fuhrman is NOT discrediting the mediterranean diet as HISTORICALLY followed by the mediterranean people of 100 years ago .
According to https://academic.oup.com/biomedgeront... THAT diet " Historically, in many but not all of the 22 countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, a great abundance and diversity of nonstarchy vegetables, minimally processed whole-grain cereals, legumes, nuts, and seeds were staple foods for both men and women (Table 1). Unlike in North America and Europe, meat, fish, milk, cheese, and eggs were luxurious foods. For example, in Southern Italy in the 1950s, very little meat was eaten, typically only once every week or two, and milk was never used except in coffee (caffé macchiato) or for infants. Sugar and white potatoes were consumed only in very small quantities, and butter or cream were never used. Cold pressed extra-virgin olive oil was the principal source of fat. Fruits and very small amounts of local cheese were rather regularly consumed, together with a moderate intake of red wine during meals" coupled with hard physical exercise "

Dr Fuhrman pointed out that now-a-days people sit in front of the computer and think that by consuming olive oil and refined foods they are on mediterranean diet and life style and will get teh same benefits that mediterraneans got 100 years ago . So anything you read about following a mediterranean diet today being the healthiest diet in the world is definitely "hype" if it does not include huge amounts of salad , whole foods and no refined sugar , grains or fats (in other words practically the same as fuhrman's diet

Plus while there are many thousands of case studies of how a nutrient dense whole food vegan diet cures cancer there are practically none where the mediterranean has cured cancer and even when it has reduced risk or prevented cancer "These observed beneficial effects are mainly driven by higher intakes of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains." source -https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...

so which is the healthier diet ? The one that can cure cancer and reverse chronic disease or the one that can merely prevent it ?


Darrel Owen No, he allows some animal products in the diet if someone feels they really need to have them. Really, it's about personal choice. If you want to lose…more No, he allows some animal products in the diet if someone feels they really need to have them. Really, it's about personal choice. If you want to lose weight, then you'll cut out most if not all of the animal products. If you get to a point where you're happy with your weight, then you can incorporate some back in. The idea is to get most of your intake from what he calls "G-BOMBs" - Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, and Berries". If your diet is mostly made up of those things, then you're going to be too full to overeat, you're going to be really healthy because of all the nutrients those things have, and you're going to lose weight. If you want to include animal products, you can, but you'll slow down your progress.(less)

Community Reviews

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Apr 23, 2009 rated it it was amazing
Things I learned from this book:
- olive oil is NOT a health food
- cancer is a fruit- and vegetable-deficiency disease
- 2% milk is 35% fat (by weight it is 2%, which is irrelevant)
- fruits/veggies contain THOUSANDS of phytonutrients that make them superior to any derivative foods i.e. fruit juice, apple sauce... further proof that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
-all medications are toxic to varying degrees, whether side effects are experienced or not
- not all proteins are alike; pr
Things I learned from this book:
- olive oil is NOT a health food
- cancer is a fruit- and vegetable-deficiency disease
- 2% milk is 35% fat (by weight it is 2%, which is irrelevant)
- fruits/veggies contain THOUSANDS of phytonutrients that make them superior to any derivative foods i.e. fruit juice, apple sauce... further proof that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
-all medications are toxic to varying degrees, whether side effects are experienced or not
- not all proteins are alike; proteins from plants lower cholesterol while animal proteins raise cholesterol
- health = nutrients / density
- frozen veggies are healthier than canned because they are flash frozen, no sodium added
Lisa X
Aug 03, 2011 rated it it was amazing
Eat to Live is such a life changing book!!!! It's changed the way I look at food. This isn't a fad diet book. It's a book that examines the American diet and exposes it to the truth it really is.......disease causing.

Now here is the downside to the diet:

1. It's extreme compared to the American diet so unless you are very motivated to change, the diet will prove to be foreign and challenging.

2.Since no one really eats like this, it's hard to find healthy options when you go out to restaurants.

Eat to Live is such a life changing book!!!! It's changed the way I look at food. This isn't a fad diet book. It's a book that examines the American diet and exposes it to the truth it really is.......disease causing.

Now here is the downside to the diet:

1. It's extreme compared to the American diet so unless you are very motivated to change, the diet will prove to be foreign and challenging.

2.Since no one really eats like this, it's hard to find healthy options when you go out to restaurants.

3. It can get expensive. Although it's not necessary to buy the most expensive blender, you will eventually need a vita-mix ($500) and probably a juicer ($200). Also, most of your grocery items will be produce. Lots of produce!!! That can be costly.

4. Recipes are provided in his book but most are not quick and easy. You can become a member on his website to access more recipes but there is a small fee and his website is gimmicky.

This isn't a diet you go on for a few weeks. This book will re-educate you in terms of what is healthy for our bodies. I'd also recommend the McDougall diet (easier to follow and many recipes are free on his website). Also check out the "Engine 2 Diet" and "Forks Over Knives" (book or documentary).

Now for the horrible news. This diet goes against the grain so much, I feel it sets many people up for failure. It is almost like a fade diet because its so extreme and hard to maintain. The diet itself is perfect. You can feel a real difference to your health. However the world in that we live in makes it so hard to eat like this. For months I had nothing but greens, beans, greens, fruit, nuts and more greens. Although I changed my taste buds to actually enjoy this food, the second I ate a cookie or a slice of pizza I was like an addict who hadn't had heroine is years. I would lose controll so much. I'd go on binges and eat horrible. I lost sight of so many things. When making a choice between a turkey sandwich or a cheeseburger, I'd opt for the cheeseburger because in retrospect, both items do not follow his diet and deemed equally unhealthy. I followed or rather tried to follow this "diet" for over a year and I would yo-yo from gaining and loosing 10 pounds. I simply couldn't stick to it.

So why the five stars? It really is the ultimate way to eat. If you are suffering from health issues, it will most likely cure them. If you're a cancer or surviving cancer patient, it will have unbelievable amounts of benefits. I still try and follow it with the ultimate goal of eating like this full time in the future. It will take time though.

Nov 10, 2008 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: EVERYONE- I'm annoying everyone I know by raving about it. :-)
Recommended to April by: Jenna Adams
Life changing for me. It's marketed as a diet book and I NEVER would have picked it up based on that but Jenna swore it would change my life. . .and it did!
This book is great because it provides basic nutrition information and provides summaries of medical/health studies to help educate you and provide motivation to eat healthy. You can tell me a million times to eat my fruit not drink it but if you tell me exactly what happens in my body suddenly I think "Oh! I don't want to do that" and I don
Life changing for me. It's marketed as a diet book and I NEVER would have picked it up based on that but Jenna swore it would change my life. . .and it did!
This book is great because it provides basic nutrition information and provides summaries of medical/health studies to help educate you and provide motivation to eat healthy. You can tell me a million times to eat my fruit not drink it but if you tell me exactly what happens in my body suddenly I think "Oh! I don't want to do that" and I don't want to drink juice anymore.
Dr. Fuhrman has read HUNDREDS of medical studies and condenses his findings so that I don't have to go read them all. He also debunks a lot of the fad diets out there. If you're LDS, you might think, "gee a lot of this sounds familiar." I re-read the word of wisdom and was shocked to realize how much I WASN'T living the part that was about what we SHOULD be doing.
Wonderful motivator, wonderful education tool and even though I didn't intend to use this as a weightloss tool, I lost 15 pounds this summer! Take into account that I was still losing baby weight and was nursing but I didn't increase my exercise, I was swimming 2-3 times a week, and just increasing my fruits/veggies consumption and cutting out a lot of meat, dairy & unrefined foods made all the difference!
Jesse Aaron Barnhart
Listen, I've read a lot of diet books in my day because I'm a lazy fat guy who has a "health blog" as a side project so I have to review some of these diet books. If you want to lose weight and be really healthy--read this book, it has a chance of changing your life.

However, the moment you step into the world of Joel Fuhrman realize you're stepping into a infomercial. I mean, yes, his book is full of valid research and tips that are extremely useful to get you to lose weight full of testimonial

Listen, I've read a lot of diet books in my day because I'm a lazy fat guy who has a "health blog" as a side project so I have to review some of these diet books. If you want to lose weight and be really healthy--read this book, it has a chance of changing your life.

However, the moment you step into the world of Joel Fuhrman realize you're stepping into a infomercial. I mean, yes, his book is full of valid research and tips that are extremely useful to get you to lose weight full of testimonials on how to live a healthy life style, but as he's trying to save your life you can sort of tell he's look'n to make a buck, too. The health and diet industry is huge with a lot of money to be made, believe me I blog about it. Joe Fuhrman is one of these guys, but don't get me wrong, I do think his diet is the most intense and most probably successful diet you'll ever see--it's just extremely intense and requires some intestinal fortitude to walk away from the world of food and gluttony as you know it, and live a mostly fruit and vegetable based diet that extremely limits meat and cheese--yes, this will be tough my fellow Americans.

I also want to mention that this book should be listed under "Horror" because every bit of research is about how you're going to die of cancer, heart disease, or some other disease because you eat a modern western diet.

Kate Merriman
Aug 25, 2011 rated it it was amazing
This is NOT about a diet. Which is what all the diet books say, I know, I know. I believe this truly is the exception, focusing on nutritional excellence, disease prevention, and backed by serious research.

If you ever had a suspicion that there was something really wrong with a 100-calorie portion pack of cookies getting a "thumbs up" from your weight loss group leader, or felt kind of freaked out that a doctor was recommending several months of protein shakes laden with fake sweetener, then thi

This is NOT about a diet. Which is what all the diet books say, I know, I know. I believe this truly is the exception, focusing on nutritional excellence, disease prevention, and backed by serious research.

If you ever had a suspicion that there was something really wrong with a 100-calorie portion pack of cookies getting a "thumbs up" from your weight loss group leader, or felt kind of freaked out that a doctor was recommending several months of protein shakes laden with fake sweetener, then this dose of reality will be an enormous relief and sanity saver.

I call Dr. Fuhrman a "nutritional bad-ass" because he doesn't construct a plan in order that the largest number of people would be able to adhere to it; rather he constructs a plan that will give you maximum nutrition - even when that is not the easiest thing to adhere to. That said, he describes what to expect (taste buds that alter to prefer the healthier choices, detox symptoms that resolve damage if you ride them out) and, again, backs it up with completely solid evidence.

I admire how he doesn't fear big pharma or the FDA but just speaks truth. It resonated with me completely when he called the Standard American Diet "perverted" - it is! And there's not a single reason to not grab optimal health. It is subversive and awesome.

Dec 23, 2008 rated it liked it  · review of another edition
Recommended to Celeste by: Amylyn
This is one of those books that you don't want to read because it might be true, and then you read it, but you don't want to try it because it might be true, and then you try it, but you still don't want it to be true because if it were true, you'd have to change your lifestyle, and after you changed, you know that you'd never want to go back to your previous bad eating habits because you'd feel fabulous, lose a ton of weight and be disease free for life - if it's true. Most of the premises in t This is one of those books that you don't want to read because it might be true, and then you read it, but you don't want to try it because it might be true, and then you try it, but you still don't want it to be true because if it were true, you'd have to change your lifestyle, and after you changed, you know that you'd never want to go back to your previous bad eating habits because you'd feel fabulous, lose a ton of weight and be disease free for life - if it's true. Most of the premises in the book rang true to me with things I've learned in college about diet and nutrition, and much of it is in line with the Word of Wisdom (health code that the LDS church follows). I don't think I'm ready to be quite so strict, especially with animal products, but I definitely do feel more equipped to make healthful choices. ...more
Crystal Starr Light
Bullet Review:

300+ pages of "Eat my diet and watch the pounds slide off". Granted, we need to get back to eating more fruits and vegetables, but I wonder how practical this diet is and how likely people will stick to it. I'm also not a fan of how Fuhrman nearly promises that this one-size-fits-all diet will miraculously get rid of all medications a person is one and eradicate as varied diseases and ailments as asthma, cancer, diabetes, and IBS. He insults people who don't want to get on the diet

Bullet Review:

300+ pages of "Eat my diet and watch the pounds slide off". Granted, we need to get back to eating more fruits and vegetables, but I wonder how practical this diet is and how likely people will stick to it. I'm also not a fan of how Fuhrman nearly promises that this one-size-fits-all diet will miraculously get rid of all medications a person is one and eradicate as varied diseases and ailments as asthma, cancer, diabetes, and IBS. He insults people who don't want to get on the diet as being lazy and suicidal. Not to mention, this guy says he's no writer, and it's 100% true. There is so much repetition in this book, you could easy have cut out half and not missed a thing.

There are also recipes in this book. Some look decent, some look weird (Fuhrman's Anti-Cancer soup made me roll my eyes) and some are so basic, I wonder why bother. (Making a milkshake or a salad, for instance.)

I did like his advice to eat more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods and animal products isn't bad. I also like how Fuhrman emphasizes that this is a lifestyle change, not just something you adopt to quickly lose pounds and then get back to your regular eating pattern. So my 2 stars goes for these two items.

But honestly, I can't recommend this book. It's too repetitive, too insulting, too rigid, and not flexible enough for people of different health. (It's only during the final Q&A that he even HINTS that the plan may need to be modified.)

Do not spend money on this; use common sense. If you want to lose weight, get back to the basics and cut out the processed food.

There, saved you $15.

Yolo Yearwood
This is a wonderful guide for anyone interested in eating healthy by sticking to a diet full of vegetables and fruits. It is not just a diet book, but a lesson in nutrition. The best part about the book, though, is all of the recipes and ways to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your everyday. Everything from ice cream made from only fruits and nuts to purees of lentils and vegetables to use as a veggie dip.

Here are the basics of the nutritarian diet:

Very limited meats including fish or me

This is a wonderful guide for anyone interested in eating healthy by sticking to a diet full of vegetables and fruits. It is not just a diet book, but a lesson in nutrition. The best part about the book, though, is all of the recipes and ways to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your everyday. Everything from ice cream made from only fruits and nuts to purees of lentils and vegetables to use as a veggie dip.

Here are the basics of the nutritarian diet:

Very limited meats including fish or meat products including eggs or dairy.
Very low in grains/starchy vegetables: only 1 cup of either one per day.
You do have 10 percent of leeway each day for 100 to 150 spare calories for things like oil, sweets, and the occasional dairy product, but if you want to lose weight "just say no"
The bulk of your diet is vegetables, particularly green ones. The author says to eat 1 lb of raw veggies and fruits and 1 lb of cooked v/f each day. At least.

So while you don't starve in the fact that you don't cut calories so to lose weight, you are eating a heck of a lot of fruits and vegetables so you stay full. And you are still going to lose a lot of weight, an estimated 1-2 lbs per week, until your body is the size it is suppose to be. And in exchange, you get a great amount of nutrients so your body and mind are able to function at peak performance.

More information:

A nutritarian is a person who has a preference for foods that are high in micronutrients. Nutritarians eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, onions, mushrooms, beans, and berries, and particularly consume leafy greens, which are the most nutrient-dense foods. A nutritarian strives to consume at least 90% of their diet from these foods.

The term "nutritarian" was coined by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. In his book, Eat to Live, he offers this health equation, which also serves as a succinct summary of the nutritarian approach to health:

Health = Nutrients/Calories (or H= N/C for short).

In other words: the more nutrients you consume per calorie, the healthier you will be.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Mar 24, 2012 rated it it was amazing
**Originally I gave this a 3 star rating. Make sure to see the update below.

I know, I know, only a three? Nothing personal to the author, it was a ton of good info and I will never think of what I eat the same way again. I've been practicing it this week, but have yet to get on the scale. I think I have definitely lost weight though. I'm just not a non-fiction lover to be bluntly honest (I agree there is good info, just not what I jump excited at.) This book could have been MAJORLY condensed. In

**Originally I gave this a 3 star rating. Make sure to see the update below.

I know, I know, only a three? Nothing personal to the author, it was a ton of good info and I will never think of what I eat the same way again. I've been practicing it this week, but have yet to get on the scale. I think I have definitely lost weight though. I'm just not a non-fiction lover to be bluntly honest (I agree there is good info, just not what I jump excited at.) This book could have been MAJORLY condensed. In fact, I will do it for you right now. Eat Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, and beans. Stay away from animal products, dairy, and refined flours and sweets. You may have a very limited amount of whole grains. You will see dramatic weightloss and your health will significantly improve as those banned (for the most part) foods are what give you cancer, heart-disease... and just about any other disease you can think of. You can eat as much of the fruits and vegetables as you want, pretty much, only limiting starchy vegetables. There you have it. Anyway, I have been trying it for a week and am surprisingly stuffed all the time. We'll get on the scale tomorrow to see.

**UPDATE- 1st week lost 4.2 lb! About double the most I have ever been able to lose in one week of hard effort. Woo hoo!! I'm a believer!

Jul 07, 2007 rated it it was amazing
The nutrition/eating book I recommend to the majority of my patients, and one of the only nutrition/eating books I recommend to anyone, since it's one of the only ones that doesn't require a major suspension of disbelief when it comes to physiology. The book gives a solid foundation in nutrition and foods and helps you understand why you're making the food choices you are. Requires a major lifestyle change for most people, but with serious payoffs -- I lost 50 lbs, went down 3-4 pant sizes (arou The nutrition/eating book I recommend to the majority of my patients, and one of the only nutrition/eating books I recommend to anyone, since it's one of the only ones that doesn't require a major suspension of disbelief when it comes to physiology. The book gives a solid foundation in nutrition and foods and helps you understand why you're making the food choices you are. Requires a major lifestyle change for most people, but with serious payoffs -- I lost 50 lbs, went down 3-4 pant sizes (around 6 inches), normalized blood pressure and cholesterol, and became "normal" weight according to BMI standards for the first time since I entered high school.

For parents and families I recommend _Disease-Proof Your Child_.

Feb 24, 2012 rated it it was amazing
This book changed my life in a big way. I read it 6 months ago or so and was astonished to read about real nutrition and how it is different than what the government recommends we should eat. In fact, it is very nearly opposite. In all honesty though, I was skeptical but decided to give the 6 week plan a try. Basically you change your food intake to include plant based whole foods and remove all animal products and processed food. It was difficult and I fought intense cravings, but he claims it This book changed my life in a big way. I read it 6 months ago or so and was astonished to read about real nutrition and how it is different than what the government recommends we should eat. In fact, it is very nearly opposite. In all honesty though, I was skeptical but decided to give the 6 week plan a try. Basically you change your food intake to include plant based whole foods and remove all animal products and processed food. It was difficult and I fought intense cravings, but he claims it works and so I kept going. In the first week I lost 8 lbs and have continued to lose steadily and am now 25lbs down. All without exercise! (he doesn't endorse that, it's just that I haven't) I recommend it to everyone. Besides having lost weight, I have TONS more energy, my skin looks healthier, I no longer experience guilt with eating, and I don't have cravings. I am in total control and it feels awesome. ...more
Jeanette (Ms. Feisty)
I have read this book at least half a dozen times! It has been the most helpful nutrition book I've ever had. I bought it after reading The China Study, which itself was excellent but doesn't give info on what exactly to eat and why. In Eat to Live, Fuhrman explains clearly exactly why animal products are not best for our bodies. He also explains how the best way to choose healthy foods is based on nutrient density per calorie.

Caveat eater: The nutrition info is the best, but the recipes are not

I have read this book at least half a dozen times! It has been the most helpful nutrition book I've ever had. I bought it after reading The China Study, which itself was excellent but doesn't give info on what exactly to eat and why. In Eat to Live, Fuhrman explains clearly exactly why animal products are not best for our bodies. He also explains how the best way to choose healthy foods is based on nutrient density per calorie.

Caveat eater: The nutrition info is the best, but the recipes are not! :>/

Aug 15, 2012 rated it did not like it
Recommended to Lee by: My doctor
Dr. Furhman's book starts with a hand full of principles that are helpful to losing weight and then ventures out into lala land with a hypothesis for a vague and unbacked theory about nutrition (H = N/C where H is health, N is nutrition and C is calories) for which he has zero empirical evidence. Using this formula, he extends the principles he brought in past any reasonable application to a point of extremity that is likely to be counter productive for people trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Furhman's book starts with a hand full of principles that are helpful to losing weight and then ventures out into lala land with a hypothesis for a vague and unbacked theory about nutrition (H = N/C where H is health, N is nutrition and C is calories) for which he has zero empirical evidence. Using this formula, he extends the principles he brought in past any reasonable application to a point of extremity that is likely to be counter productive for people trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Along the way he cherry picks his data, uses citations in a misleading fashion and uses what is known in the advertising industry as a hypnotic writing style which is aimed at getting the reader to accept unquestioningly the claims of the book. Dr. Fuhrman would have us `Buy the book, read the book, make the commitment' and guarantees that we will lose weight and be healthier. The cardinal problem is that despite all of his anecdotes, he does not have a single empirical study to suggest that someone following his plan will be able to stick to his plan and lose weight with any better odds than the other diets that he criticizes.

Alanna Smith
Jul 23, 2011 rated it it was amazing
I'm only giving this four stars until I can try it for myself and see. If I like it, I'll up it to 5 stars later.

Basically, Fuhrman's theory is that we should be eating mostly vegetables, fruits, beans, and nuts. Everything else (dairy and meat, oils and fats) is mostly not very good for us. A little bit is okay, but not much, whereas it's nearly impossible to overeat fresh produce. He recommends a six week period of only eating the good stuff in order to cure your body of the addictions we have

I'm only giving this four stars until I can try it for myself and see. If I like it, I'll up it to 5 stars later.

Basically, Fuhrman's theory is that we should be eating mostly vegetables, fruits, beans, and nuts. Everything else (dairy and meat, oils and fats) is mostly not very good for us. A little bit is okay, but not much, whereas it's nearly impossible to overeat fresh produce. He recommends a six week period of only eating the good stuff in order to cure your body of the addictions we have to the bad stuff.
According to Fuhrman, if you stick to this diet, you're more likely to avoid most of the major diseases Americans (with all their obesity) are so susceptible to: heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more. Since ALL of these run in my family, I figure it couldn't hurt to be pro-active about trying to avoid all these and instill good eating habits in my children so they can avoid these problems, too. This diet is pretty extreme, so I won't go around recommending it to everyone. But I do recommend reading the book and seeing what you think of his ideas yourself!

Craig and I will be trying it starting on Sunday-- wish us luck!

*Update: I never got around to reporting on the results, but they were AWESOME. I lost 17 lbs during the 6 week plan, and then on the slightly less strict plan, continued on to lose at least 10 more. And my husband lost even more than I did. It was so lovely being my skinny self again! Unfortunately, now I'm pregnant and packing it all back on again, but after the baby comes, I'll be re-reading this book and recommitting for sure!

May 05, 2012 rated it really liked it
Eat To Live took everything I have learned about nutrition and put it all together. It was great. I do have a couple of problems with it, but I am still following the basic program outlined, just with a few tweaks.

Problem number 1: Nothing is said in this book about food combining. I don't agree with eating fruit with other foods besides greens.
Solution: Just eat the fruit first thing in the morning by itself, or a few hours after eating a meal. Easy.

Problem number 2: I don't agree with the sug

Eat To Live took everything I have learned about nutrition and put it all together. It was great. I do have a couple of problems with it, but I am still following the basic program outlined, just with a few tweaks.

Problem number 1: Nothing is said in this book about food combining. I don't agree with eating fruit with other foods besides greens.
Solution: Just eat the fruit first thing in the morning by itself, or a few hours after eating a meal. Easy.

Problem number 2: I don't agree with the suggested soy intake. Soy in Tofu is highly processed, and most soy out there is genetically engineered. No Thank You. Also, soy can wreak havoc on a Man's estrogen levels.
Solution: substitute almond milk for soy milk, and just plain avoid soy.

Those are the only problems I can think of. Other than that it was a great book.
I do recommend buying his newer Eat For Health books. If you can read Eat To Live and the other books also, then you are set up well. If you can only purchase one, get the Eat For Health. The second book is full of recipes that make this way of living/eating doable. I have loved every thing I have tried in that book.

Happy Healthy,

Gma Adkinson
Apr 02, 2013 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: adults, diabetics, people with high blood pressure, people with heart disease, arthritis patients
Recommended to Gma by: Dr. Oz
If you haven't tried this nutritional program, then you cannot adequately review this book.

In a matter of 10 days, I have lost 8 pounds without ever being hungry. My blood pressure is 116/68 without any medications and the arthritis pain is almost gone. I can't imagine how good things will be after the 6 week detox period.

Some of the changes in eating habits were difficult, but my eating habits got me where I am. So, how's your eating habits working for YOU? There is so possible way you can be

If you haven't tried this nutritional program, then you cannot adequately review this book.

In a matter of 10 days, I have lost 8 pounds without ever being hungry. My blood pressure is 116/68 without any medications and the arthritis pain is almost gone. I can't imagine how good things will be after the 6 week detox period.

Some of the changes in eating habits were difficult, but my eating habits got me where I am. So, how's your eating habits working for YOU? There is so possible way you can be hungry on this program...if you are, you are not eating enough!

I would highly recommend "Eat to Live" to anyone dealing with diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, fibromyalgia, an auto-immune disease, or just out-and-out overweight. It's amazing how being good to yourself allows your body to do it's job.

Dr. Mary

Donna Davis
Nov 03, 2012 rated it it was amazing
Recommended to Donna by: Dr. Kent Ta
Dr. Fuhrman makes a lot of sense. I started drinking those diet so-called shakes (one in place of each meal) when I was nine years old. Nine. By the time I was at the proper weight for my height and structure, the muscles in my jaw had begun to atrophy from not chewing anything. My friends' mothers said this was a bad idea, and my mother bristled at that, but they were right.

Through my teens I went through bouts of fasting; just eating one meal a day; and 900-calorie-a-day diets in order to stay

Dr. Fuhrman makes a lot of sense. I started drinking those diet so-called shakes (one in place of each meal) when I was nine years old. Nine. By the time I was at the proper weight for my height and structure, the muscles in my jaw had begun to atrophy from not chewing anything. My friends' mothers said this was a bad idea, and my mother bristled at that, but they were right.

Through my teens I went through bouts of fasting; just eating one meal a day; and 900-calorie-a-day diets in order to stay at a good weight. Growing up in the age of Twiggy, I saw how mean everyone was to the obese girls at our school. Fear of that type of treatment scared me away from food for awhile, but then I'd eat four candy bars in a row and have to start over.

A doctor suggested I try the Atkins diet before the connection was strongly formed between it (all meat and fish) and heart attacks. I didn't even go there. Why would a diet tell you to avoid vegetables? I KNEW that was stupid!

So, there is no picture of me in jeans six sizes larger than what I wear now. I am only starting this system. (But see update at the end). But I appreciate having the logic behind Dr. Fuhrman's dietary plan (not DIET plan) because it sensibly explains in a way that a literate, but not scientifically sophisticated person can understand. (If he tosses chemical formulas out there, he will lose me, but he doesn't do that). I believe that this will work.

I have tweaked a couple of things, but my doctor thinks it will still work. I can't drink soy milk. No. It's a deal-breaker. I agreed to drink 1% milk (skim milk is BLUE!) and make it infrequent. Also, my diet soft drinks, which have zero nutrition but also zero calories, and have been part of my life for over 40 years, have to stay, or I can't do it. Thanksgiving Day I'm eating the same stuff as everyone else, and likewise Christmas (but, my doctor told me, remember to eat the vegetables first).

That last paragraph is irrelevant to the book itself, but I included it because if it makes sense to you, but there's just one thing in there you cannot stand, maybe it's something you can adjust and have the nutritional methods delineated here still work for you.

If you are obese, which one third of Americans are, this book may save your life. It is not written for those who have five or ten pesky pounds they want to be rid of. It is for people who have normal thyroid function, but nevertheless carry far too many pounds. Doctors use this book for patients whose weight and the characteristic physical problems associated with a lot of extra weight, put their lives in jeopardy.

There is not a food in this world I would give my life for. If I have to eat tofu to stay alive, I will do that. If it turns out that I can't have my one percent milk from time to time, or that I actually really, really DO have to stop drinking diet soda, then I won't like it, but I will do it. I am pre-diabetic, and I NEVER want to cross over that line.

This, by the way, is the first dietician I have ever read who makes the claim that those who are diabetic, can stop being diabetic by following these eating methods.

For many years, I was big, but I was healthy and happy. As long as my doctors weren't complaining, I was content to be who I was, as I was. My husband loved me at any size, and my life was good. But now...consider. Once my doctor said it was imperative that the pounds come off to keep me alive significantly longer, that is different. And if your doctor says this to you, especially if your kids aren't all grown and established yet, take it seriously. Give it a try.

Update: twelve months later, I am sixty-nine pounds smaller than when I went into this thing. I considered twenty-five a victory and would have been happy to maintain it, but once I gave up the dairy and meat for most meals most days, the pounds fell off. Part of me wants to weep for the women of my generation who were told that we should leave the carbs on the plate (often including vegetables and legumes), but for goodness sake, drink your milk and eat your meat. The other part of me wants to stand up and cheer for having finally found a way to get those pounds gone. I have the occasional feast day, and once in awhile I break down and have greasy Chinese food with my family. The breaches are not enough to undo the progress that's been registered.

If you have tried everything and cannot lose weight, and you really need and want to do so, get this book.

Sep 08, 2008 rated it really liked it
So, this book almost convinced me to become a vegetarian. It is very well written, but a tad preachy. The author does a great job explaining why vegetarianism is good for you, but then goes on and on about how dumb you must be to not believe him. Or something like that.

I was shocked to learn the nutritional value of some foods. I had no idea lettuce had protein or fat. I loved all the tables which showed me how ignorant I've been my whole life on the real make-up of food.

I thought he used resear

So, this book almost convinced me to become a vegetarian. It is very well written, but a tad preachy. The author does a great job explaining why vegetarianism is good for you, but then goes on and on about how dumb you must be to not believe him. Or something like that.

I was shocked to learn the nutritional value of some foods. I had no idea lettuce had protein or fat. I loved all the tables which showed me how ignorant I've been my whole life on the real make-up of food.

I thought he used research and personal stories effectively. I didn't think he explained the actual diet very well though. I needed more recipes or meal ideas. Dumping a box of frozen broccoli on top of a large salad with no dressing just isn't going to work in this family. My kids would starve to death rather than eat it. And frankly, so would I.

I tried this diet whole-heartedly for almost 2 weeks and hated it. I had horrible headaches the first few days but then I felt great and I lost several pounds. But I wasn't happy eating crappy food. Again, I think I just needed better ideas on what to eat.

So, I've taken his suggestions and done a lot of research on the internet and found some recipes and we're slowly working on becoming more vegetarian. We're trying to cut back on meat and dairy and will eventually get rid of them all. Or most of it. I'm happier eating a large salad for lunch with a little bit of dressing. I feel great eating so much more fruit and vegetables and the family is willing to try lots of new things. And I've kept off the initial weight I lost and have lost a few more besides.

Overall, I think this is a valuable book with some great information. The presentation lacks a bit, but I can live with it.

May 08, 2013 rated it did not like it
My brother highly recommended this book after he lost 31 pounds in three months, and I am such a naive moron when it comes to diet books that I fell for it. I like the theory behind it: eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat. But Dr. Fuhrman's advice is near impossible to follow. He wants you to start out by eating a pound of raw and a pound of cooked vegetables each day, as well as a ton of fruit. No meat, cheese, dairy, eggs, or egg whites. You can add beans and nuts as the week goes on, My brother highly recommended this book after he lost 31 pounds in three months, and I am such a naive moron when it comes to diet books that I fell for it. I like the theory behind it: eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat. But Dr. Fuhrman's advice is near impossible to follow. He wants you to start out by eating a pound of raw and a pound of cooked vegetables each day, as well as a ton of fruit. No meat, cheese, dairy, eggs, or egg whites. You can add beans and nuts as the week goes on, but in my opinion, you just can't get enough protein on this diet to do anything more strenuous than pull yourself out of bed in the morning.

Most irritating is his tendency to pose stupid question, to wit: did you know there is more protein in 100 calories of lettuce than in 100 calories of steak? I am not sure whether that is true or not, but I imagine that you would have to chew all day to eat 100 calories worth of plain iceberg lettuce. In fact, I suspect that vegetables like lettuce and celery are foods with negative calories, (meaning it takes more calories to chew than it produces in energy).

I also made the mistake of getting the abridged Ipad version which contained little videos of Dr. Fuhrman making salad dressing and exhorting the viewer to exercise like he and his son were demonstrating. Some things are better left to the imagination.

Elizabeth A
May 03, 2018 rated it really liked it
I'm not interested in diets as they never work over the long term. My issue with the word diet is that somewhere along the line it switched from meaning a way of eating for life, and morphed into a "get a bikini bod in 10 days" scenario. When I use the word diet, I mean the former.

There was a day many years ago when I realized that I knew more about nutrition and disease prevention than my Primary Care Physician. Don't get me wrong, she is trained in ways I'll never be, but all she has in her to

I'm not interested in diets as they never work over the long term. My issue with the word diet is that somewhere along the line it switched from meaning a way of eating for life, and morphed into a "get a bikini bod in 10 days" scenario. When I use the word diet, I mean the former.

There was a day many years ago when I realized that I knew more about nutrition and disease prevention than my Primary Care Physician. Don't get me wrong, she is trained in ways I'll never be, but all she has in her tool kit are drugs made by Big Pharma and referrals to specialists. That was the day that I realized that health care was my responsibility, and shouldn't be outsourced. Since then I've read books, listened to lectures, watched documentaries, and educated myself on how to be as healthy as possible for as long as possible. This book is a wonderful addition to the bookshelf of books that changed my life. I've made gradual changes to my diet over the past fifteen years or so, and while I never thought I'd ever say it, I'm now a vegan. A whole food, plant based vegan to be precise.

This is not the book that tipped the scales, but if you haven't read any of the others it might be a good place to start. It simply and clearly explores the whys and how-to's, and about six weeks into my new diet (for life) I've never felt this good. Ever.

The only reason I deducted a star is that it needs tighter editing, as most books like these do. Once the basic cases are made, you get it, but then there is much repetition as we review the material again for each chronic disease covered. Also, while I browsed the recipe section I have yet to make any of them, other than a couple of salad dressings.

Nutritional science has changed dramatically and it behooves us all to learn about the latest research that affects our health. What could be more important?

Feb 11, 2012 rated it it was amazing
My husband and I have done A LOT of research on health as it relates to nutrition. This book is life changing. After 6 weeks of following this doctor's advice/eating plan, I have lost 20 pounds. My husband has lost weight as well. We feel great, and have tons of energy! Blood pressure and cholesterol are down. Inflammation in the body is gone. Things are getting better each day. The big kick is that we do not have any cravings. The chemicals in the American diet are what give us cravings for mor My husband and I have done A LOT of research on health as it relates to nutrition. This book is life changing. After 6 weeks of following this doctor's advice/eating plan, I have lost 20 pounds. My husband has lost weight as well. We feel great, and have tons of energy! Blood pressure and cholesterol are down. Inflammation in the body is gone. Things are getting better each day. The big kick is that we do not have any cravings. The chemicals in the American diet are what give us cravings for more. We are getting all the nutrients and vitamins we need for the first time in our lives.

I will not lie, this eating plan is VERY hard. It takes strong discipline and a lifestyle change. If you are tired of being overweight and or sick, this book is for you! Good Luck :)

Check out the documentary, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" on NetFlix.

Dec 03, 2020 rated it liked it
I'm a bit torn in two about this book. The message is very important and well explained: a lot of diseases can be prevented by eating differently. The author explains very well (backed up by research) the consequences of an unhealthy diet. However, his tone and wording is very annoying, he keeps using the word 'thin' as a positive goal to reach. The explanation of 'true hunger' & 'toxic hunger' is cringeworthy. Also, he is very full of himself and is not humble in this book. There is a LOT of re I'm a bit torn in two about this book. The message is very important and well explained: a lot of diseases can be prevented by eating differently. The author explains very well (backed up by research) the consequences of an unhealthy diet. However, his tone and wording is very annoying, he keeps using the word 'thin' as a positive goal to reach. The explanation of 'true hunger' & 'toxic hunger' is cringeworthy. Also, he is very full of himself and is not humble in this book. There is a LOT of repetition. Some things are explained three times. I bet you could scratch half of the book & still convey the same information.

If you struggle a bit with eating in general, pick up another book like The China Study to get similar information & explanations but with a less condescending and commercial tone.

The basis of Dr. Fuhrman's theory is H = N/C. In other words, your health depends on the nutrients of the foods you take in in relation to the amount of calories they have - you want most of the foods you eat to be high in nutrients but low in calories. Leafy greens should comprise the bulk of your diet, followed closely by other vegetables and fruits. Grains are a bit of a second class citizen, and all animal products should be eliminated or reduced to less than 12 oz per week.

Eat to Live is g

The basis of Dr. Fuhrman's theory is H = N/C. In other words, your health depends on the nutrients of the foods you take in in relation to the amount of calories they have - you want most of the foods you eat to be high in nutrients but low in calories. Leafy greens should comprise the bulk of your diet, followed closely by other vegetables and fruits. Grains are a bit of a second class citizen, and all animal products should be eliminated or reduced to less than 12 oz per week.

Eat to Live is great for opening up your mind to ways of thinking about food and nutrients that may be new to you. I think most people know you want to get a lot of nutrients out of your food, and too many calories isn't good, but Fuhrman's H = N/C formula really puts things into sharper focus. Learning how wheat can be (and frequently is) over processed, thinking about the nutrients of produce in comparison to that of animal products, and being open to the idea of excellent nutrition combating some of the illnesses we've become resigned to are all great things.

The problem with this book is, I can't trust it. It reads like a late night TV infomercial. "Get ready for the most exciting six weeks of your adult life. If you follow my program precisely for the next six weeks, your body will undergo a remarkable transformation and you will be witness to its miraculous self-healing ability." Fuhrman claims his plan will fix just about everything that's wrong with you. Stuffy nose, allergies, constipation, stomach aches, cramping, intestinal discomfort, weight, diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, emotional well being. He also uses a lot of fear tactics. When talking about US heart attack rates: "Every single one of those heart attacks is a terrible tragedy, as it could have been avoided." On AHA recommendations: "WARNING: Do not merely comply with these overly permissive recommendations of the American Heart Association, or you will most likely die of a heart attack."

I'm not saying Fuhrman's claims and warnings aren't true. I'm saying the way he presents them makes him an untrustworthy source. At the beginning of his book he acknowledges that it's hard for consumers to know the real story when there are so many conflicting studies out there, yet he goes on to saturate his writing with references to various studies. Some of his information is supported by a long list of studies, but some only by a three page article in some obscure health publication. I know there are studies out there supporting just about every point of view. So how does one writing a book on any subject provide *trustworthy* data to back up their claims? I don't know, but Fuhrman hasn't accomplished it for me.

He has presented a lot of intriguing information, and I'll be pursuing more information on the subject... but not from this particular author.

Linda Hart
Mar 29, 2010 rated it it was amazing
March 10 2012 Update: I've been eating this way for 2 years and it has changed my life. Not only did my LDL (Lousy bad) cholesterol drop 56 points but my HDL (happy good)cholesterol is elevated 15 points. But the primary reason my life is changed is no more aches & pains which means I no longer need round the clock medicating with Tramadol, Neurontin, & other pain killers. It has not been easy to discipline myself to eat this way & often I indulge in something that Dr. Fuhriman & his colleagues March 10 2012 Update: I've been eating this way for 2 years and it has changed my life. Not only did my LDL (Lousy bad) cholesterol drop 56 points but my HDL (happy good)cholesterol is elevated 15 points. But the primary reason my life is changed is no more aches & pains which means I no longer need round the clock medicating with Tramadol, Neurontin, & other pain killers. It has not been easy to discipline myself to eat this way & often I indulge in something that Dr. Fuhriman & his colleagues would frown at, but I'm 95%. Why would I go back to the Standard American Diet(SAD) with those results? Oh, and I am also 40# lighter than I was 2 years ago. A good companion book with even more compelling arguments for eating mostly vegan is The China Study by Caldwell and Esselstyn.

Written March 10, 2010: Awesome book for anyone interested in nutrition and healthy living. I wish it had been published 40 years ago when I was raising my family.
I've been on this diet (moderately high) for 4 weeks and have lost 14 lbs. but my primary reason for this change is cholesterol and arthritis pain. The pain is almost nil and I'll see how many LDL points I've dropped next week & report back.
To read more about this amazing diet go to Robin's nutrition blog: http://leantowardthesun.blogspot.com/

Tony Rogers  Jr.
This is definitely one of the top books on health and weightloss on the market. I love Dr Fuhrman's realistic, scientific, no short-cut approach to weight-loss and more importantly good health. The author's core message is that good nutrition is the way to permanent weight-loss and a disease free body. He teaches that our focus should be on consuming nutrient rich plant-based foods which are naturally low in calories but high in nutrients, fiber etc. His approach doesn't involve counting calorie This is definitely one of the top books on health and weightloss on the market. I love Dr Fuhrman's realistic, scientific, no short-cut approach to weight-loss and more importantly good health. The author's core message is that good nutrition is the way to permanent weight-loss and a disease free body. He teaches that our focus should be on consuming nutrient rich plant-based foods which are naturally low in calories but high in nutrients, fiber etc. His approach doesn't involve counting calories or limiting portion control, in-fact, he often encourages the reader to eat as much as you want from the nutrient dense low calorie plant kingdom. Along with weight control advise Dr Fuhrman covers: protein consumption myths, the importance of phytochemicals, the most nutrient rich foods to eat, should you eat raw or cooked food, the dangers of processed foods, the dangers of refined sugar, the dangers of dairy products, diabetes, the causes of cancer and much more. This is an absolute MUST- READ!!

Tony Rogers Jr
Author of Visionary:Making a difference in a world that needs YOU

My idea of healthy living? Eating what I want, when I want in whatever amount I want. Oh, and getting some sun while I'm at it, but not in the arena of exercise. Sometimes I go outside and stare at the "butterfly tree" in my backyard or walk out to the roadside to collect the mail from the post box. That's it for me. Reading this book has made me realize that I need to eat better, exercise more and live life more fully. Everything I thought I knew about health was turned upside down as a result My idea of healthy living? Eating what I want, when I want in whatever amount I want. Oh, and getting some sun while I'm at it, but not in the arena of exercise. Sometimes I go outside and stare at the "butterfly tree" in my backyard or walk out to the roadside to collect the mail from the post box. That's it for me. Reading this book has made me realize that I need to eat better, exercise more and live life more fully. Everything I thought I knew about health was turned upside down as a result of reading this book. We Americans eat so unhealthily and are so susceptible to body ravaging diseases that have been brought into our bodies mainly because of what we eat. Am I going to become a vegan as a result of reading this book? Probably not, but I do intend to aggressively change my way of eating so that I can enjoy live in a healthy body for years to come. Excellent read. ...more
Michael Brashier
This is one of those books that you wish everyone would read and put its lessons into practice. I've given several copies as gifts hoping it will help the people I care about. There are tons of nutritional facts and thorough explanations of nutritional and bodily processes but basically it comes down to this: H = N / C. Health equals nutrients divided by calories.
I bought this book to help me train for a marathon. I didn't think I'd be able to meet my goal with my old nutrition habits. 1 week i
This is one of those books that you wish everyone would read and put its lessons into practice. I've given several copies as gifts hoping it will help the people I care about. There are tons of nutritional facts and thorough explanations of nutritional and bodily processes but basically it comes down to this: H = N / C. Health equals nutrients divided by calories.
I bought this book to help me train for a marathon. I didn't think I'd be able to meet my goal with my old nutrition habits. 1 week into the book and my very painful kiteboarding induced tendinitis disappeared. I'm mean GONE! I didn't take any meds. I only started slamming my body with massive amounts of nutrients from berries, leafy greens, beets, nuts, seeds, etc. Thats when I got religion of Dr Fuhrman's food fu.
Darius Murretti
"SALAD IS THE MAIN COURSE !!!" Says Dr Joel Fuhrman MD . (Eat a huge salad before every meal!!! )
Make a big sign that says "SALAD IS THE MAIN COURSE !!! (Eat a huge salad before every meal!!! ) and stick it to your refrigerator -Go do it RIGHT NOW ! " -- Dr Joel Fuhrman

These days there are 2 basic kinds of diets
1) "Metabolic Diets " --these are dangerous unhealthy fads supported only by pseudo science ( examples of metabolic diet gurus are Gittleman , Fung and Atkins )
2) "Excellent Nutrition

"SALAD IS THE MAIN COURSE !!!" Says Dr Joel Fuhrman MD . (Eat a huge salad before every meal!!! )
Make a big sign that says "SALAD IS THE MAIN COURSE !!! (Eat a huge salad before every meal!!! ) and stick it to your refrigerator -Go do it RIGHT NOW ! " -- Dr Joel Fuhrman

These days there are 2 basic kinds of diets
1) "Metabolic Diets " --these are dangerous unhealthy fads supported only by pseudo science ( examples of metabolic diet gurus are Gittleman , Fung and Atkins )
2) "Excellent Nutrition Diets " --these are very healthy diets that are supported by 1000s of scientific studies and have been around for centuries .Unlike the metabolic fad diets they cure not only obesity but reverse all chronic diseases and lead to a long healthy life . (Examples of Excellent Nutrition diets are Dr Norman walker D.S. Dr Max Gerson MD , DR Ann Ann wigmore MD , and Dr Joel Fuhrman MD )

This is a fantastic book on the EXCELLENT NUTRITION DIET !!!( actual 5.5 stars) I Can not recommend this book highly enough This is no fad weight loss diet (like those HARMFUL high protein low carb weight loss diets currently en vogue) . This is THE HEALTHIEST DIET THAT CAN CURE ANY DISEASE --- backed by thousands of scientific studies that every single nutritional authority in the world agrees is the healthiest diet a human being can eat. This is the diet that the most used College text books on nutrition in the world (UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION ) advocates.

Im not saying that there are not nutritionists and MDs out there paid by the meat and dairy industries who will argue that a high protein diet will help you lose weight . I AM saying that EVERY SINGLE purely scientific HEALTH researcher out there will agree with THIS diet . There are always a few quackish popular trends out there. They are very popular because they tell the public MISINFORMATION that they want to hear (using unsubstantiated pseudo science to support their continuing to eat the high fat animal [protein food that are addicted to ) . But if you want to be permanently lean AND healthy AND feel fantastic and are WILLING to change your diet then THIS is the diet for you!!! PLUS Dr Fuhrman give the scientific studies to make you "a believer" which is important because unless one's intellect is satisfied one will not take the steps necessary to change ones diet . He also provides scientific studies refuting the pseudo science and quackery of "metabolic " rather than sound nutritional diets such as Gittleman's , Fung's , Atkin' s etc and other such "quacks" who spout unsound theories not backed by scientific studies by advocating diets that you can not possibly stick to . His presenting of these studies which is equally important to keep one from following these unsound "theories" that will ultimately lose their placebo effect and leave the followers frustrated and victims of diseases .

As a long time nutritionist/dietitian myself and son of a long time very successful nutritionist I am very happy to report that THIS is the real deal . Knowingly or unknowingly Dr Fuhrman is advocating that exact same diet taught by Norman Walker (Dr Sci), Dr Max Gerson (MD) since the 1920s, and later by Dr Ann Wigmore (MD) and Nathan Pritikin who pointed out just about any disease can be prevented or cured MUCH BETTER THAN DOCTORS CAN just by adopting a whole food mostly raw plant based diet . I now add Dr Fuhrman to this list of "NUTRITIONAL GOOD GUYS" for whom I revere.

As I listened to the audio book in the authors voice I was again and again taken a back by how he was quoting me word for word --saying the very same things I have been telling my clients for years:
" eat only those foods that give you the moist phytonutrients per calorie"
" greens leafy vegetables are the most nutrient dense food " ,
" its not carbohydrates that are bad its REFINED Carbohydrates that are bad - as long as you are getting your carbohydrates from whole grains , beans , vegetables and fruits and avoid all refined grains , fats and sugars you can feast as much as you want and shed fat til you get to your ideal body fat"
" It is eating fat that makes you fat- when you eat fat it goes straight to your body fat "
"Milk causes osteoporosis"
" cruciferous vegetables make you bones dense "

The big treat for me was added many recent scientific studies to back up what I have been teaching for years. He states that aside from the Protein , carbohydrates and fats there are 10,000 KNOWN phytonutrients in WHOLE foods that are missing in refined foods . Only whole fresh plant based foods have these 10,000 phytonutrients as well as fiber . The 10,000 phyto(plant)nutrients make our body feel chemically sated and the fiber fills our stomach making us feel mechanically sated. Plus we FEEL good onthsi diet . We eliminate poisons from unhealthy foods . WE sleep better. WE feel more like exercising and our bodies naturally shed all unhealthy tissues so our body fat drops. He really explains how to do it and he has a website with further support recipes: https://www.drfuhrman.com/

Here is a library of 1000s of documented success stories from his patients who has many diseases cured by this diet that could not fit into the book : https://www.drfuhrman.com/library/suc...

Here are the success stories from just the obese patients: https://www.drfuhrman.com/library/suc...

Any one who has any doubts about how effective and healthy this method is should see these before and after photos and read the stories

For 15 years he has been curing patients with all sorts of diseases that were referred to him by other doctors because they did not want by coronary pass surgery , or were obese and did not want a gastrointestinal by pass surgery , or were diabetic , cancer or had migraines etc etc and this diet was able to bring each of them an thousands of others to ideal weight and above average health .

(just as happened with Max Gerson MD )

AS stated the core of his focus is to eat a NUTRIENT DENSE DIET Food that is high in nutrients but relatively low in calories. Nutrient-dense foods contain vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and omega 3 fatty acids (-omega 6 is not a problem ). (Its NOTHING NEW BUT VERY TRUE . Nutritional density has always been my focus as well--I cite "cellular starvation" from eating "empty calories" as the main cause of obesity) )

Fresh raw kale, and collards are one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Before I became a farmer I used to buy cases of raw kale( 24 bunches is a case) and eat raw kale salads with sprouted buckwheat grain or spirulina based dressing and my body fat dropped t0 5% while my muscle mass and bone density grew to bodybuilder proportions.

So I strongly agree on most points (especially eating only nutrient dense foods to reach and maintain ideal body weight ) but still feel he has not grasped the full ability of vegan bodies(healthy intestinal flora) to generate all the Vitamin B-12 we need or the ability of the colon to absorb this water soluble vitamin ( I ,personally, do not take vitamin B-12 tablets or drops -although I do sometimes eat a little nutritional yeast which is fortified with B-12* > I do eat flax seed > I never supplement vitamin D nor take dairy products and i have a very dense bone scan profile --but I do live in teh south and do work out in the sun )

*I live on an organic farm with soil rich in B 12 producing microbes. I do recommend that non organic farmer vegans supplement with up to 25 mcg per day FOR INSURANCE ( RDA is 1.8mcg for adults and 2.6mcg for nursing mothers ) and/or take probiotics and foods high in FOS -especially green cabbage )

I do recommend a liquid B complex like "Now Food's Liquid B complex" , Chromium Picolinate, and flax as well as iodine (lugol's) solution and potassium carbonate and NO added salt .

On thing I would add to Dr Fuhrman's comments on eating green leafy vegetables ( which is his main recommendation " ie the more green leafy vegetables you eat the more weight you will lose -shoot for eating a pound of raw green leafies and a pound of cooked green leafies per day" Is that eating so many green leafies will tend to thicken your blood andthsi can raise your blood pressure so it is important to take an 81mg or 75mg aspirin tablet per day to thin your blood (he failed to mention this)

Also He did not lay adequate stress on that fact that unless you do load bearing exercise ( like walking with a 50 pound back pack) you will excrete calcium and get osteoporosis no matter how much calcium you eat .

Afar as the title "EAT TO LIVE"
One important point is that what ever I eat I know exactly why I am eating it . I know what I want to accomplish and I an eating what i calculate and what I feel will will help me to accomplish that particular achievement or level of performance . To me THAT is eating to live ( rather than living to eat )

SAo the first requirement for "EATING TO LIVE " is to have something to live for--some goal of attainment to reach during your life time. Then select your next meal according to what will help you work towards that goal in a clean healthy sustainable manner so that you practice well enough and live long enough to enjoy a high level of attainment at that pursuit.

It is important to realize the VALUE of this human body. It is teh only body in which we can achieve the difficult and highly advanced state of "dying while living" by which we can traverse ,during life ,the path that normally we would only glimpse after death ( just before we reincarnate ) but if during our life we can hold our body still and our mind at the third eye we can leave our body and rise on the creative power and energy of God to reach and merge into realize God during our lifetime and become "god men" --and not have to reincarnate unless we want to come back from the heights of eternal bliss on a mission of mercy .

So I eat what will help me do that before I sit . I don't eat for taste I eat for bliss . Eating is only a springboard into spirit energy and the bliss that it speeds me towards.

and before I do my farm work I eat what will empower and sustain me during in those labors . So I feel happy joyous and free as I work . This is "Eating to LIVE."

THEN we can succeed at sticking to diets such as Dr Furhman's

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teO7Q... (Joel fuhrman 3 mistakes vegan s make that can easily be corrected)

Nov 22, 2010 rated it it was amazing
I recommend this book with excessive enthusiasm. I kind of want to carry a copy on me at all times and tell people all about it, but that has a way of getting annoying. I think the part I really love is the first 2/3 of it - which is essentially straight up logical, factual, no-brainer nutrition facts that our American society has made foggy over the years with lacking information and misleading diet trends. I found it so compelling to read that my husband had to ask me to stop telling him every I recommend this book with excessive enthusiasm. I kind of want to carry a copy on me at all times and tell people all about it, but that has a way of getting annoying. I think the part I really love is the first 2/3 of it - which is essentially straight up logical, factual, no-brainer nutrition facts that our American society has made foggy over the years with lacking information and misleading diet trends. I found it so compelling to read that my husband had to ask me to stop telling him everything I was learning from it and just wait to let him read my copy of the book. It's that good. I just wanted to tell everyone about what I was learning, and in simply appreciating good health and the desire to live well and long, I have already begun eating exponentially better - losing weight and feeling great, though we're going to be more strict about following his recommendations in the new year.

The last 1/3 or so of the book is composed of recipes and Q & A which I simply found much less compelling.

He has a tendency to write a bit sassily, but I like that his passion and sincerity come through the book and it's not just another book that's trying to sell you on a far fetched idea. He does get a bit annoying referring to his "Six-Week Plan" and "Life Plan" as if they are patented "diets" - but really, I think he's just trying to be specific about how one should eat and laying that out for you. So, it's not a PERFECT book, but the information is really important and isn't being taught or passed on.

I quickly purchased copies for family and got his other book, "Disease-Proof Your Child", with the hopes of learning a bit more about nutrition for kids, and raising my baby well from an early age.

In short, PLEASE read this! If you get annoyed by his sassy remarks or occasional prideful moments, just skim and keep going. I wanted to learn about nutrition, so I bought this book and I'm delighted that I've learned as much as I have. I may read it annually so that I can retain more and more of it as time goes on...

Jun 22, 2012 rated it really liked it
I read this book becauase I had heard that it was good for people with auto-immune disorders, which I have a few.
I have to say, as a person who thoroughly researched vegetaranism about 15 years ago I knew most of the information in the book already but had forgotten some of the key/crucial elements of eating well.

My entire family has been following the diet for about three weeks now. The first two weeks I was down 7 lbs. I have a significant amount of weight to loose and I have tried pretty mu

I read this book becauase I had heard that it was good for people with auto-immune disorders, which I have a few.
I have to say, as a person who thoroughly researched vegetaranism about 15 years ago I knew most of the information in the book already but had forgotten some of the key/crucial elements of eating well.

My entire family has been following the diet for about three weeks now. The first two weeks I was down 7 lbs. I have a significant amount of weight to loose and I have tried pretty much everything so I was skeptical to say the least. You're not hungry at all because of the large amounts of fiber and nutrients you're getting. We do about 90% fresh fruits and veggies and maybe 10% "other" stuff and it seems to be working well. My hubby who doesn't have much weight to loose has seen an improvement in that stubborn belly fat. My kids behavior is improving as well. I have to also say that this comes from a family that was eating clean about 80% of the time but had gotten into the bad habit of going to fast food again.

Not for the person who is uncommitted to seeing a change in their overall lifestyle and health. It takes work, a lot of work, and time to get used to eating this way. But I do have to say that its worth it!!


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"Most brown bread is merely white bread with a fake tan." — 7 likes
"A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that restricting calories by 30 percent significantly increased life span in monkeys.27 The experimental diet, while still providing adequate nourishment, slowed monkeys' metabolism and reduced their body temperatures, changes similar to those in the long-lived thin mice. Decreased levels of triglycerides and increased HDL (the good) cholesterol were also observed. Studies over the years, on many different species of animals, have confirmed that those animals that were fed less lived longest. In fact, allowing an animal to eat as much food as it desires can reduce its life span by as much as one-half." — 3 likes
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Dr Fuhrman's Diet Seems Boring

Source: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/34451

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