What the Quran Says About the Bible

Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by truthman2012(m): 6:20pm On Sep 18, 2013

[Quran 10:94] - And if thou (Muhammad) art in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto thee, then question those who read the Scripture (that was) before thee. Verily the Truth from thy Lord hath come unto thee. So be not thou of the waverers.

There is no doubt that the Scripture before the Quran is the Bible. Despite all that is said against it by its unbelievers, including the muslims, Allah confirmed it is a reference Book for the Quran and Muslims. By implication, allah approves of the Sonship of Jesus as stated in the New Testament and other Christian Doctrines as stated in the Bible.

What do you say?

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by truthman2012(m): 7:29pm On Sep 18, 2013

By allah referring Muhammad to the Bible, it shows it is superior to the Quran. Since that is the case:

1. What need there was to introduce the Quran as there was already the Bible, which is superior?

2. Why would the Quran contradict its reference, i.e the Bible?

So, so many questions the introduction of the quran or islam has created for the spiritually sound minds.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by F00028: 10:35pm On Sep 18, 2013

the Qur'an never says "bible"!


Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by dareabiola98(m): 7:42am On Sep 19, 2013

Allah Says In the Holy Qur'an
To every nation was sent a Guide or a Messenger Al-Qur'an 35:24 Al-Qur'an 13:7
By Name: 25 of these messangers were mentioned in the Qur'an
More than 1,24,000 Messengers according to Hadith
And Most of these messanger received revelations..By name,Allah mentioned 4 books in the qur'an(Psalms:David)(Gospel:Jesus)(Torah:Moses)(Qur'an:Muhammad)(pbut)
There were also many revelations to other prophets but Allah didn't mention them...

So Allah wasn't reffering to Just the Bible but All scriptures He Had sent before it.This alone should show you that Islam had been since time immemorial,the religion of abraham,noah and all...Allah said "confirm from the readers of the scripture"....God had told this to Muhammad because at that time there were people who actually read the scriptures...Jesus Spoke Hebrew(aramaic) but where's the bible in his Language,It's lost and people have started adding thiers to the scripture...Such scripture is not to be neared as Allah warned
Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, "This is from Allah," to purchase with it a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for that they earn thereby.
And as the Qur'an was to be confirmed from the original scriptures before it,So was the Injeel(Gospel of Isa) was to be confirmed from the scriptures Allah had sent before it..

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Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by dareabiola98(m): 7:44am On Sep 19, 2013

Not once did jesus even mention Bible in His lifetime

F00028: the Qur'an never says "bible"!


Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by cleanvessel(m): 5:27pm On Sep 19, 2013

@ F00028

What is the Scripture the quran talks about and where is it?

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by Nobody: 7:04pm On Sep 19, 2013

^definitely not the bible. and when it refers to the Taurah given to Musa [as], Sabur given to Dawud [as], Injil given to Isa bin Maryam [as], it is not the torah, psalm and the gospel you have in your bible.

What Allah refers He gave to these noble prophets [as] Paul and the other jews have bastardized them and Satan had encouraged them to fashion what they fashion for you that you carry in your Bible.

By the way, you also lost suhuf pf Ibrahim [as] and that of Musa [as].

if i say to you that if you doubt that 2+2 is 4, you should ask a primary school student, does it mean that i am saying that you dont know this simple fact? if you dont ask, it shows that you not only believe your own knowledge, but you trust me that what i said is the fact. Thats what Muhammad [sa] did with his Lord; he trusted and believed Him and did not waiver. while he did not go ask, if he had, he would have done it to challenge the dubious nature of the liars; those who take God for themselves and think they have excluded everyone else in spite of them being idol worshipers, etc and those who say God must have a child and partners in spite of Him being unlike anyone else.

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Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by cleanvessel(m): 7:25pm On Sep 19, 2013


Quran 16:43
And We sent not (as Our messengers) before thee other than men whom We inspired - Ask the followers of the Remembrance IF YE KNOW NOT!

Here again, allah is referring muslims to the receivers of the Scripture. This continued reference indicates allah seriousness about the earlier Scripture.

Quran 16:44
With clear proofs and WRITINGS.....

I'm sure you know the quran was not revealed in writing. Therefore the 'writings' above refers to the earlier Scriptures.

So the warning you talk about is not relevant to the Scripture, which allah confirmed the writing as authentic.

Then, this question to you: where is the written Scripture if not the Bible?

The Advanced Learners Dictionary defines Scripture as the Bible.

No doubt the Scripture is the Bible, confirmed written with PROOF by allah.

Again, as earlier asked by the OP, why would allah contradict the earlier Scripture, confirmed as authentic by himself?


Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by cleanvessel(m): 7:37pm On Sep 19, 2013

@ RoyPCain

Paul had done whatever you claim he did before islam, yet allah refer to the Scripture as 'clear proofs in writing'

You must know better than allah to prove him wrong. Muslims seem to know better than allah and the quran when in face to face with the truth.

The word 'Scripture and Bible' are English words and English Dictionary defines both words as the same. If you know the quran better than allah, do you know English more than the dictionary?

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Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by Nobody: 1:24am On Sep 20, 2013

now you moved the goal post from 'bible' to scriptures, a plural identity while bible is just 1. how do you fit one into many?

Allah is the Owner Who revealed His Books. The bible is not one of them.

Taurah of Musa [as] you dont have it in your bible because it is evident that Moses couldnt have written how he died and buried.
Sabur of Dawud [as] you dont have it in your bible because it is evident that David would not say that he was an adulterer, a wife snatcher and a husband killer.
Injil of Isa bin Maryam [as] you dont have it in your bible because it is evident that Jesus couldnt have disagreed with John son of Zacharia about who John was.

What you have are diluted and admixture of what seems true in part and outright fallacy, the handwork and trick of satan.

And as to the english language and dictionary, favor in america, favour in england. which one is correct depends on where you are writing your exam.

your case is similar to the case of the adopted mother who was forced to tell the truth because everyone knows she was not pregnant at the time the 'child' should have been in the oven/womb. the womb knows the right child. God knows the Books He revealed and your Bible is not one of them; Taurah to Moses, Sabur to David, Injil to Jesus and Quran to Muhammad [as to all]. now who received the Bible and provide his/her name either your bible or shame us by providing it in the Quran?

what you called scripture/bible is the adopted child and Taurah, Sabur and Injil that God says He gave to the honored prophets [as] as indicated in the Quran are the true 'babies' of the mother because she actually carry the pregnancy of each child to full term resulting in live birth.


Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by solomon111(m): 6:16am On Sep 20, 2013
RoyPCain: now you moved the goal post from 'bible' to scriptures, a plural identity while bible is just 1. how do you fit one into many?

Allah is the Owner Who revealed His Books. The bible is not one of them.

Taurah of Musa [as] you dont have it in your bible because it is evident that Moses couldnt have written how he died and buried.
Sabur of Dawud [as] you dont have it in your bible because it is evident that David would not say that he was an adulterer, a wife snatcher and a husband killer.
Injil of Isa bin Maryam [as] you dont have it in your bible because it is evident that Jesus couldnt have disagreed with John son of Zacharia about who John was.

What you have are diluted and admixture of what seems true in part and outright fallacy, the handwork and trick of satan.

And as to the english language and dictionary, favor in america, favour in england. which one is correct depends on where you are writing your exam.

your case is similar to the case of the adopted mother who was forced to tell the truth because everyone knows she was not pregnant at the time the 'child' should have been in the oven/womb.

what you called scripture/bible is the adopted child and Taurah, Sabur and Injil that God says He gave to the honored prophets [as] as indicated in the Quran are the true 'babies' of the mother because she actually carry the pregnancy of each child to full term resulting in live birth.

Arabs the true custodians of jewish history.
*wetin man no go see for nairaland*

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Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by lanrexlan(m): 7:11am On Sep 20, 2013
cleanvessel: @dareabiola98

Quran 16:43
And We sent not (as Our messengers) before thee other than men whom We inspired - Ask the followers of the Remembrance IF YE KNOW NOT!

Here again,allah is referring muslims to the receivers of the Scripture. This continued reference indicates allah seriousness about the earlier Scripture.

Quran 16:44
With clear proofs and WRITINGS.....

I'm sure you know the quran was not revealed in writing.Therefore the 'writings' above refers to the earlier Scriptures.

Surah An-Nahl 16:43-44 -And We sent not (as Our Messengers) before you (O Muhammad SAW) any but men,whom We inspired,(to preach and invite mankind to believe in the Oneness of Allah).So ask of those who know the Scripture [learned men of the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)],if you know not.
With clear signs and Books (We sent the Messengers).And We have also sent down unto you (O Muhammad SAW) the reminder and the advice (the Quran),that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them,and that they may give thought.

.Injeel and Taurah are the previous scriptures and not bible.
The Injeel and the Taurah was never revealed in writing form either.Allah says in the glorious Quran
Surah Ash-Shura 42:51- It is not fitting for any man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration or from behind a veil,or by sending a messenger to reveal,with Allah's permission,what Allah wills,for He is Most High,Most Wise.So where is Allah revealing his revelations in written form?

So the warning you talk about is not relevant to the Scripture,which allah confirmed the writing as authentic.

Then,this question to you: where is the written Scripture if not the Bible?

The Injeel(Gospel) is the revelation given to Isa[True 'Jesus'(pbuh)] and not the bible,can you show
the Gospel according to St. 'Jesus' from your bible? The Bible means collections of different books.The Injeel has been lost as some of the people that inherited it from Isa threw it behind their backs.Allah says in the glorious Quran in Surah Al-Baqarah 2:101 -And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah (i.e. Muhammad Peace be upon him)confirming what was with them,a party of those who were given the Scripture threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know!

Surah Al-Imran 3:187 -(And remember) when Allah took a covenant from those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) to make it known and clear to mankind,and not to hide it but they threw it away behind their backs and purchased with it some miserable gain! And indeed worst is that which they bought


The Advanced Learners Dictionary defines Scripture as the Bible.

No doubt the Scripture is the Bible, confirmed written with PROOF by allah.

Allah never confirms the Bible.When the previous Scriptures are being referred to in the Quran,it means Injeel and Taurah,not bible.

Again,as earlier asked by the OP, why would allah contradict the earlier Scripture,confirmed as authentic by himself?

Allah never contradict the original Injeel and Taurah he gave to his prophets(Peace be upon them both).....Peace


Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by cleanvessel(m): 8:12am On Sep 20, 2013

@ lanrexlan

Please answer these questions. If properly answered, you will discover that quran is not only inconsistent but a book of confusion.

1. At what point did the people throw away the Torah and Injeel, was it before islam, during Muhammad's time of after him?

2. If it was before islam, why would allah refer Muhammad to something that is non-existent to make confirmation?

3. If it was after Muhamad had died, how was he able to receive the revelation that the Scripture (Torah and Injeel) had been thrown away?

4. The quran confirms that the Scripture was a clear proof in writings. This means there were copies in circulation. How possible all copies vanished without anyone having a copy anywhere? You should by now discover a lie is told.

5. Why would God be so weak as to allow man throw away His words before He would vow to protect the subsequent revelations? Did He learn from experience?

I put it to you the Bible is the Torah and Injeel put in one Book.


Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by dareabiola98(m): 8:38am On Sep 20, 2013

Allah didn't contradict the early scriptures...the people have fashioned it in a way that u don't get the true message,added and removed from the scripture as they will...I ask you,Have u read the gospel of barnabas..of course not! Ur pastors wouldn't even let you go near it.this was the gospel of a man that lived and dined with jesus(as) but they won't allow u to read it,yet they allow u to read that of paul and luke who came hundreds of years after jesus had left..If there was a pastor 2dai that preached what Jesus has preached..Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one. Mark 12:29 AND JESUS ANSWERED HIM THE FIRST OF ALL THE COMMANDMENTS IS HEAR O ISRAEL THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORDI'll definitely come to common terms with Him because Allah commanded it..the qur'an had told us what jesus preached,and Allah mentioned in all the verses u've qouted "men who have knowledge" not to be confirmed from men who follow conjectures or lie about what jesus really preached..if barnabas was to be alive 2dai,he'd be a muslim and such is the people the book is to be confirmed from.Allah had revealed all this books,So what point are u trying to prove.When jesus came with the injeel he drew inspiration from musa's taorah..and he said 'I have come to fulfil the laws of the prophets" what point are u trying to prove really...or was it jesus that gave revelation to himself

cleanvessel: @dareabiola98

Quran 16:43
And We sent not (as Our messengers) before thee other than men whom We inspired - Ask the followers of the Remembrance IF YE KNOW NOT!

Here again, allah is referring muslims to the receivers of the Scripture. This continued reference indicates allah seriousness about the earlier Scripture.

Quran 16:44
With clear proofs and WRITINGS.....

I'm sure you know the quran was not revealed in writing. Therefore the 'writings' above refers to the earlier Scriptures.

So the warning you talk about is not relevant to the Scripture, which allah confirmed the writing as authentic.

Then, this question to you: where is the written Scripture if not the Bible?

The Advanced Learners Dictionary defines Scripture as the Bible.

No doubt the Scripture is the Bible, confirmed written with PROOF by allah.

Again, as earlier asked by the OP, why would allah contradict the earlier Scripture, confirmed as authentic by himself?

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by dareabiola98(m): 9:12am On Sep 20, 2013

"The people of the Book used to read the Torah in Hebrew and then explain it in Arabic to the Muslims. Allah's Apostle said (to the Muslims). 'Do not believe the people of the Book, nor disbelieve them but say, 'We believe in Allah and whatever is revealed to us, and whatever is revealed to you.' '  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Holding Fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah, Volume 9, Book 92, Number 460)"
Allah had already told us what is true of the bible,So we only believe any verse of the bible if it agrees 100% with Islam

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Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by cleanvessel(m): 9:18am On Sep 20, 2013


I think your latest posts are not an attempt to answer my questions because it doesn't go near them at all.

What is Barnabas gospel? Matthew 10:1-5 mentioned the names of Jesus Disciples and Barnabas is not among them. Where was he dinning with Jesus. Stop expressing sentiments please.

Why is Barnabas gospel different from other gospel? He must be lying if his gospel did not tally with others. It is possible some criminals wrote the book in his name as they did for Moses, which they called ''the 6th & 7th Book of Moses.

You cannot cancel what allah had said about the earlier Scripture by quoting something contradictory from the quran. It only goes to show that the quran contradicts itself.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by dareabiola98(m): 9:43am On Sep 20, 2013

Don't put what's not in the Qur'an in it....Where,In which verse did Allah say the bible is authentic?..One thing you don't know about books or revelation is that its a knowledge that cannot be forgotten,even christians don't know the first miracle of jesus,he spoke @ birth and said 'I have been given a revelation'..wether he wrote it or didn't..Allah knows best but if he wrote it,it'd be in aramaic/hebrew..The prophet had said,when the people of the scripture say something...if it is false,do not confirm it,and if it is true,do not falsify it...Allah categorically mentioned 'Men who have knowledge of it' obviously the New bible has made this clear that nothing is true about it and such should not be a book of reference as the bible claims[b] How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it (i.e., the bible) into a LIE.   (From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:cool"[/b] and even the authors of the bible have it in their prefaces that the original manuscript grave defects and error and these errors are so many and serious as to call for revision'..obviously God wasn't talking about these books but Men who have knowledge of the book.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by dareabiola98(m): 9:45am On Sep 20, 2013

Don't put what's not in the Qur'an in it....Where,In which verse did Allah say the bible is authentic?..One thing you don't know about books or revelation is that its a knowledge that cannot be forgotten,even christians don't know the first miracle of jesus,he spoke @ birth and said 'I have been given a revelation'..wether he wrote it or didn't..Allah knows best but if he wrote it,it'd be in aramaic/hebrew..The prophet had said,when the people of the scripture say something...if it is false,do not confirm it,and if it is true,do not falsify it...Allah categorically mentioned 'Men who have knowledge of it' obviously the New bible has made this clear that nothing is true about it and such should not be a book of reference as the bible claims[b] How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it (i.e., the bible) into a LIE.   (From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:cool"[/b] and even the authors of the bible have it in their prefaces that the original manuscript contain grave defects and error and these errors are so many and serious as to call for revision'..obviously God wasn't talking about these books but Men who have knowledge of the book he sent...and if u are truthful,u'll find his teaching even in that bible u have @ home but a verse ur pastor reads to u is enough.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by dareabiola98(m): 10:16am On Sep 20, 2013
5. Why would God be so weak as to allow man throw away His words before He would vow to protect the subsequent revelations? Did He learn from experience?

These are claims of a person who has lost sight of God,Don't get caught in an argument and the u raise curse upon God.God does as he wills and no one can question him,if hehad willed,he wouldn't have sent any messanger at all,yet he sent many to remind us.Would you ask God why he gave the knowledge of technology to this generation and not those before us,would you ask why he made those before us live longer?,would you ask why he created some ugly and some beautiful...these are tests for Mankind and Allah does as he wills,If he didn't want it,it wouldn't be,Yet Allah had sent a book to confirm what had already been lost in those scriptures but you choose not to believe

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Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by cleanvessel(m): 10:27am On Sep 20, 2013


1. If you know who you are talking with, you will not refer me to a pastor.

2. You keep dodging the five questions. Answer them as numbered and see where you will land.

3. With all the errors you alleged are in the Scripture (Bible), allah said you should consult it. Your intelligence is not capable of telling allah he didn't know the Scripture (Bible) is having errors. Who is wiser, you or allah?

4. You insult your allah when he gives you a command and you are saying you cannot obey because what he commanded you to do is wrong.

5. I repeat, you cannot cancel allah's instruction to consult the Scripture (Bible) for what you don't know. If allah would again condemn what (Scripture/Bible) that he once approved, spiritual manipulation is going on somewhere.

6. There is noway you can prove the Scripture you quran talks about is not the Bible. Both ''Scripture and Bible are English words. English dictionary says Scripture means the Bible.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by dareabiola98(m): 10:28am On Sep 20, 2013

[quote author=]

1. At what point did the people throw away the Torah and Injeel, was it before islam, during Muhammad's time[/qoute] The bible as you see it contains the word of God and that of Men..The bible may not be whole as it dhould be!but verily it does contains some word of God and your pastors knows which and which is not the word of God.So the revelation of God can't be lost..Rather it was tampered with(added to and removed from)..how will u know that wc is an innovation...its only by the qur'an.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by dareabiola98(m): 10:33am On Sep 20, 2013

Where did Allah say u should consult the bible...qoute ur verse now abi...wc english are u reffering to,did jesus speak english...Qoute the verse in the qur'an that Allah said confirm the qur'an from the bible

cleanvessel: @dareabiola

1. If you know who you are talking with, you will not refer me to a pastor.

2. You keep dodging the five questions. Answer them as numbered and see where you will land.

3. With all the errors you alleged are in the Scripture (Bible), allah said you should consult it. Your intelligence is not capable of telling allah he didn't know the Scripture (Bible) is having errors. Who is wiser, you or allah?

4. You insult your allah when he gives you a command and you are saying you cannot obey because what he commanded you to do is wrong.

5. I repeat, you cannot cancel allah's instruction to consult the Scripture (Bible) for what you don't know. If allah would again condemn what (Scripture/Bible) that he once approved, spiritual manipulation is going on somewhere.

6. There is noway you can prove the Scripture you quran talks about is not the Bible. Both ''Scripture and Bible are English words. English dictionary says Scripture means the Bible.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by cleanvessel(m): 10:38am On Sep 20, 2013

[quote author=dareabiola98][/quote]

Good. You have agreed the word of God, Torah and Injeel are not lost and cannot be lost but tampered with.

Who did, when and where. If Toral and Injeel are tampered with, why did allah refer Muhammad to it (them) for confirmation? If so it means allah supported the tampering with them and that was why he still referred to them. Is that not so?

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by cleanvessel(m): 10:52am On Sep 20, 2013
dareabiola98: Where did Allah say u should consult the bible...qoute ur verse now abi...wc english are u reffering to,did jesus speak english...Qoute the verse in the qur'an that Allah said confirm the qur'an from the bible

You are no more a baby that has to be spoon-fed. When Quran 10:94 says Muhammad should confirm from the Scripture that existed before the Quran, what did that mean?

If Torah and Injeel now combined as the Bible, even at Muhammad's time was referred to by allah for confirmation, not allah, Muhammad or muslims have any justification to condemn it again, otherwise there is manipulation being played.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by lanrexlan(m): 10:58am On Sep 20, 2013
cleanvessel: @ lanrexlan

Please answer these questions. If properly answered, you will discover that quran is not only inconsistent but a book of confusion.

1. At what point did the people throw away the Torah and Injeel, was it before islam,during Muhammad's time of after him?

2.If it was before islam,why would allah refer Muhammad to something that is non-existent to make confirmation?

During the time of prophet Muhammad(pbuh).If you read my post very well,you should notice the word a party or some.Not all the people of scriptures are the same,some stands for what's right and read the Injeel and Taurah without changing the words.
Allah says in the glorious Quran in Surah Al-Imran 3:113-115 -Not all of them are alike;a party of the people of the Scripture stand for the right,they recite the Verses of Allah during the hours of the night,prostrating themselves in prayer.
They believe in Allah and the Last Day; they enjoin Al-Ma'ruf (Islamic Monotheism,and following Prophet Muhammad SAW) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism,disbelief and opposing Prophet Muhammad SAW);and they hasten in (all) good works;and they are among the righteous.
And whatever good they do, nothing will be rejected of them; for Allah knows well those who are Al-Muttaqun(The Pious)
.People like Abdullah bin Salam(ra),he was a Jew but when prophet Muhammad(pbuh) read verses from the Quran to him,he quickly recognized Muhammad(pbuh) as the Prophet they were waiting for as prophesied in the Injeel and Taurah with them and accepted the Quran as the word of Allah,thereby accepting Islam.

3. If it was after Muhamad had died, how was he able to receive the revelation that the Scripture (Torah and Injeel) had been thrown away?

It was during the time of prophet Muhammad(pbuh).

4. The quran confirms that the Scripture was a clear proof in writings.This means there were copies in circulation. How possible all copies vanished without anyone having a copy anywhere? You should by now discover a lie is told.

There were some learned men of Injeel and Taurah who acts according to the law of Injeel and Taurah before and during the time of prophet Muhammad(pbuh).
When a large portion of the Injeel and Taurah has been thrown away and the people that inherited it has distorted the word of Allah with their mouth,replacing it with theirs among the people of the scriptures and the remaining part of them has accepted Islam,now following the Quran,then where are the many copies of original Injeel and Taurah in circulation then?
The copies in circulation will be the ones distorted by these people.
In an hadith of our beloved prophet Muhammad(pbuh).
Narrated Ubaidullah:Ibn 'Abbas said, 'Why do you ask the people of the scripture about anything while your Book (Quran) which has been revealed to Allah's Apostle(Prophet Muhammad) is newer and the latest? You read it pure,undistorted and unchanged,and Allah has told you that the people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) changed their scripture and distorted it,and wrote the scripture with their own hands and said,It is from Allah,' to sell it for a little gain.Does not the knowledge which has come to you prevent you from asking them about anything? No, by Allah,we have never seen any man from them asking you regarding what has been revealed to you!(Sahih Bukhari,Volume 9, Book 92,Hadith Number 461)

5. Why would God be so weak as to allow man throw away His words before He would vow to protect the subsequent revelations? Did He learn from experience?

In every generation,Allah has sent a messenger with a message to guide his People[Surah An-Nahl 16:36].
All the messengers and books that came before prophet Muhammad(pbuh) and the glorious Quran were meant for that people of that time and that period.Since each revelation then was meant for that people and that particular point in time,then there's no need preserving those revelations after a new messenger arrives because when a messenger leaves,another messenger will come with another revelation which will be very similar with the previous one.
But the glorious Quran and prophet Muhammad(pbuh) are meant for the whole of Humanity[Surah An-Anbiyaa 21:107,Surah Ibrahim 14:1]starting from the time of prophet Muhammad(pbuh) till the end of the world,then Allah promised to safeguard the Quran from corruption of men[Surah Al-Hijr 15:9] because it's the last and final revelation of Allah.

I put it to you the Bible is the Torah and Injeel put in one Book.

That's a big lie.A bulk of the bible is written by historians,story tellers.The Injeel is the revelation given to ISA[True 'Jesus'] and it means gospel(good news)and you failed to show us gospel according to St. 'Jesus'.Taurah is the revelation given to Moses(pbuh).
N B**unfollows thread**.....Peace


Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by cleanvessel(m): 11:50am On Sep 20, 2013


You are used to saying you unfollow thread after you have spoken. Are you a 'radio' who does not wait for a reply. Why are you always running away like hit and run.

All your assertions are wrong and made up.

You said the people threw away the Scripture (Bible) during the period of Muhammad:

1.The interval between Jesus and Muhammad was about 650 years. Why did they practice Torah and Injeel correctly as given by God for such a long period before Muhammad only to throw them away or corrupt them at Muhammad's time?

2. If the Torah and Injeel were correctly practiced up to Muhammad's time, why was Muhammad sent as there was nothing to be corrected as at when he came?

3. You said only a party threw away or corrupted Torah and Injeel, where are the copies of those who did not throw away or corrupt their own?

4. When allah was referring Muhammad to the earlier Scripture, which is the Bible by English meaning, He (allah) never made Muhammad to understand which party or which of the Scriptures (the true or the corrupted) he was referring to for him to make confirmation. This proves everything you have said false.

No wonder you are running away because you cannot defend your false statements.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by DevotedOne(m): 2:00pm On Sep 20, 2013

In The Name of The One And Only God. The Peace of Allaah, Be Upon You Everyone.

Salaam truthman2012.

[Quran 10:94] - And if thou (Muhammad) art in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto thee, then question those who read the Scripture (that was) before thee. Verily the Truth from thy Lord hath come unto thee. So be not thou of the waverers.

There is no doubt that the Scripture before the Quran is the Bible. Despite all that is said against it by its unbelievers, including the muslims, Allah confirmed it is a reference Book for the Quran and Muslims. By implication, Allah approves of the Sonship of Jesus as stated in the New Testament and other Christian Doctrines as stated in the Bible.

What do you say?

I say that The Gospel of Barnabas, is a clearer and more accurate depiction of the life and teachings of Prophet Isa [Jesus, PBUH]. The New Testament has been corrected by The Noble Qur'an, regarding whom the Most Holy God Is. Additionally, the so-called crucifixion has been revealed to be mere conjecture. Again, Qur'an 39:4 Had Allah wished to take to Himself a son, He could have chosen whom He pleased out of those whom He doth create: but Glory be to Him! (He is above such things.)

What say ye?

Wassalaam. DevotedOne

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by dareabiola98(m): 3:05pm On Sep 20, 2013

I don't know why you people get angry when you have nothing to say...I said qoute a verse that says the qur'an should be confirmed from the bible.ur raining abuses.Qoute ur verse and illustrate abi


You are no more a baby that has to be spoon-fed. When Quran 10:94 says Muhammad should confirm from the Scripture that existed before the Quran, what did that mean?

If Torah and Injeel now combined as the Bible, even at Muhammad's time was referred to by allah for confirmation, not allah, Muhammad or muslims have any justification to condemn it again, otherwise there is manipulation being played.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by cleanvessel(m): 4:41pm On Sep 20, 2013
dareabiola98: I don't know why you people get angry when you have nothing to say...I said qoute a verse that says the qur'an should be confirmed from the bible.ur raining abuses.Qoute ur verse and illustrate abi

I didn't in anyway abuse you. Being spoon-fed does not amount to an abuse. I'm saying you don't expected everything said to be literal. You are asking for where bible is literally mentioned when Scripture means Bible in English language.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by cleanvessel(m): 4:51pm On Sep 20, 2013
DevotedOne: In The Name of The One And Only God. The Peace of Allaah, Be Upon You Everyone.

Salaam truthman2012.

I say that The Gospel of Barnabas, is a clearer and more accurate depiction of the life and teachings of Prophet Isa [Jesus, PBUH]. The New Testament has been corrected by The Noble Qur'an, regarding whom the Most Holy God Is. Additionally, the so-called crucifixion has been revealed to be mere conjecture. Again, Qur'an 39:4 Had Allah wished to take to Himself a son, He could have chosen whom He pleased out of those whom He doth create: but Glory be to Him! (He is above such things.)

What say ye?

Wassalaam. DevotedOne

There was nothing to be corrected in either of the earlier Scripture (Torah and Injeel) and that was why allah advised Muhammad to make confirmation from it.

By referring Muhammad to consult the Scripture (Bible) for confirmation, it stands to correct the Quran and not vice versa.

Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by golpen(m): 6:28pm On Sep 20, 2013

The solution to the issue at hand here is looking into the structure of both books.

1. The bible is a collection of events and revelation from different people as witnesses and prophets, while the Qur'an is a complete revelation to just one prophet (Muhammad saw).

2. The bible is written in the third person singular (first person in cases of quotes though), while the Qur'an is wriiten in completely first person singular.

In view of these, like I have always put it, the bible is a compilation of references and reviews from the previous books (torah and the gospel), but not the real them, stories from different witnesses bringing forth contradictions and of course some fabrications to blend it up.

If Allah requests that references be made from the previous books;

1. The bible is not the book referred to as previous. The torah and injeel is not the bible, though the bible contains a little review of them.

2. The little review as it is in the bible can still be referred to, provided it is authentic from the several unsuitable parts.

That is why we can make references backing some islamic proofs from the bible, such as the coming of Muhammad (s a w), but what we get is our xtians fighting these proves in their own book.


Re: Quran Says Bible Is A Book Of Reference For The Muslims by golpen(m): 6:42pm On Sep 20, 2013

The solution to the issue at hand here is looking into the structure of both books.

1. The bible is a collection of events and revelation from different people as witnesses and prophets, while the Qur'an is a complete revelation to just one prophet (Muhammad saw).

2. The bible is written in the third person singular (first person in cases of quotes though), while the Qur'an is wriiten in completely first person singular.

In view of these, like I have always put it, the bible is a compilation of references and reviews from the previous books (torah and the gospel), but not the real them, stories from different witnesses bringing forth contradictions and of course some fabrications to blend it up.

If Allah requests that references be made from the previous books;

1. The bible is not the book referred to as previous. The torah and injeel is not the bible, though the bible contains a little review of them.

2. The little review as it is in the bible can still be referred to, provided it is authentic from the several unsuitable parts.

That is why we can make references backing some islamic proofs from the bible, such as the coming of Muhammad (s a w), but what we get is our xtians fighting these proves in their own book.

What the Quran Says About the Bible

Source: https://www.nairaland.com/1444550/quran-says-bible-book-reference

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